JemCon 05
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Sooo, much sleep deprivation and backstabbing was involved in this lunchkin dominated brawl-fest.

On Friday the 1st of April some amusing people turned up (kudos to chess and mace for being especially brave and approaching said group of crackpots without too much hesitancy!) and the mayhem began!

Oh yes, and Happy Birthday to Ogre! (don't worry, we had cake and strawberries and some of us even went to the fun fair in your birthday honour! shhhh the others don't know about the fun fair bit :p)


Quote of the Con - (unfortunately the REALLY funny one isn't PG so it has to be the runner up this year I'm afraid)

"What's the party allignment?"
"Chaotic Slack"

  The Games
Deadlands - Ole (GM), Ross, Kay, Jen, Vero

Homebrew (thingy :p) - Dan (GM), Chris, Helge, Rigmor, Michelle

VTM - Chris (GM), Ross, Vero, Michelle, Ole
Freeform - Jen (GM), Helge, Rigmor, Kay, Dan
D&D - Michelle (GM), Jen, Vero, Ole, Rigmor, Helge

The Games begin!
  JemConites Jen (darras) - Organiser
Kay (Kay) - Organiser
Chris (Amis)
Vero (Veronica) - random hugger
Ole (Ole_I)
Helge (Cafein)
Rigmor (managed to resist the portal pull)
Michelle (chess)
Ross (MaceMorningstar)
Dan (Erasmatrix)

Da boyz are back in town!
  Award for the Drunkest Person in the Shortest Amount of Time Vero! yey! (She wants to vote Ross in but he wasn't drunk..)

Kay and Jen, meticulously organising as always :)

Munchkin Tournie winner - Ole yey!