Jem-Con 2004
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The People!

Jen (darras) : Maia Rodriguez (Romance:RPG), Gertrude Flavin Walters (CoC), Parish (VTM).

Chris (Ruedas) : Porfigo (Romance:RPG), GM (CoC).

Karianne (Simira) : GM (Romance:RPG), Julienne (CoC), Rob (VTM).

Dominic (Dante) : Raoul (Romance:RPG), Ivan (CoC), John (VTM).

Chris (Amis) : Domigo Cortez (Romance:RPG), Alexandra (CoC), Storyteller (VTM).

Dan (Erasmatrix) : Steve Drake/Sam Shovel (CoC), Larch (VTM). 

Amusing Happenings

Starting with the Romance game..

Maia dumps Raoul in a big BIG hole when she tells her prospective love interest (Castro)'s parents that Raoul is putting on a show for their 10 year old daughter!

Raoul, en route to the Duchess, makes a terrible roll and trips landing with his face in her lap!

Profiro, en route to Maia, trips and lands prostrate infront of her in the middle of a crowded dance floor.

Domigo, showing off his swordplay to the Huntress screws dramatically leaving his sword stuck in the grass behind him during a training fight.

Maia, dancing very clumsily trips her partner into falling between Castro and the Duchess on the dance floor, fleeing in tears she knocks over her other possible love interest, the Duchess' son Emmerson!

And the CoC!

Within the first 10 minutes of gaming the thief gets caught stealing, kicked viciously in the balls losing half his hit points and locked in a heavily guarded cage.

Playing in true rich girl style, Trudy (Gertrude) picks up a suspicious looking puzzle box (!!) and plays with it plunging herself, Julienne and Ivan straight into Hell, Hellraiser style, causing a collective loss of 31 sanity points in 5 gaming minutes! Julienne develops a phobia of sound, Ivan barely holds on to his sanity and Trudy becomes psychotic and dendraphobic (tree phobic..). Ivan very shortly convinces Trudy that arch enemy, demon-spawn xenobite Adele and thief Steve are head henchment of the trees and out to get her!

Trudy coshes Steve with a blackjack in full public view, destroying his face and stripping him of half his hit points because she was convinced he was in league with the trees!

Trudy's attempt to conceal a dinner knife fails as Jen fails a roll dramatically and Trudy puts the knife behind her ear! She then later sucessfully steals a fork and strips herself of half her hit points stabbing herself with it having worked out that as her father is consort to the Queen of the Trees (Adele), she was step-Princess. She attemps to fork the Italian police strip search woman and is placed swiftly on the next train back to America with a lesbian fascist policewoman as escort (Yes it was the player who rolled to see if said policewoman was lesbian! With App 17 and Persuade 71 who wouldn't??)

Trudy attemps to secude the policewoman, suceeds and escapes from the train in Rome stealing a pizza slicer and spoon en route hiding out for a train back to Istanbul to take revenge on her father for sacrificing her mother and brother to Leviathon for Adele.

Upon reaching Istanbul Trudy promptly murders a young Turk with the pizza slicer for daring to hit on her and ends up in their mental hospital. She is later moved to lifelong institutionalisation in America after attempting to bite Sam's face off for using Psychology to calm her down.

The VTM funnies can be found within the game write up :)

The Venue

Due to popular request I am putting this up! Jem-Con 04 was held in the Sir John Cass Residential Hall in Hackney, London. It was a lovely venue but we are moving on to a different venue for 05!

Karianne's JemCon Diary!